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Friday, March 16, 2012

Thank God I'm Medicated

It's been a busy week. Within one day of having my idea to make t-shirt yarn to sell, I found a craft show and now have two months to prepare.  Between that and schoolwork, I've been one busy bitch. My anxiety's been a little better, surprisingly, although my sleep schedule's on crack: Stay up for 32 hours, sleep 12 hours. In general, I'm actually feeling happy. Weird, right? Mom's situation is still shitty, but stable, I aced my midterms, the boyfriend and I are disgustingly happy with each other, and I'm actively doing something with my fiber obsession.

But enough about me. Let's talk about this week's discussion board amusement!

In biology we've been studying evolution. This week's discussion board assignment:

'Over the past few sessions we have been addressing evolution. We have also highlighted how an understanding of evolution is critical to an understanding of biology. However, in high school, you may have had a great deal or very little exposure to evolution, depending on your curriculum. Your discussion board this week has 2 parts. 1. Do you think that there is a true conflict between science and religion, or do science and religion explain different things? 2. Do you think that evolution is critical to an understanding of biology such that it should be required in schools?'

It's difficult to pick just one, but I think I'll share my favorite. Kristen writes:

"I believe there is some what of a conflict between evolution and religion, primarily because one of the first things you will learn in church is about Adam and Eve, and how god created all things, however, the bible was written and interpenetrated by man. We all know just how imperfect we are! If god created us, why did he create us? Are we like a glorified ant farm to him?
  If evolution is the reason for our existence? What is going to happen now?"

Oh, how right you are, Kristen. Man's ability for imperfection is the first thing that comes to mind when I read this. Also, I'm pretty sure 'interpenetrating' the bible is illegal. 

1 comment:

  1. Interpenetrating would be what men do. Ha!
